Our 2022 netball season is going to go off with a bang!
On the back of the survey results answered by YOU, the committee is taking the steps to become more innovative and move forward to help increase numbers in the game we all love. We are very excited by this news!
The A & B Competitions will now run on a Wednesday Evening.
Games will commence from 6pm.
Other graded divisions (C & D), age groups and NET SET GO will remain on a Saturday.
Saturday competition will commence on the 30th of April.
Wednesday competition will commence on the 4th of May.
If you would like to register an A or B team but are unable to make the commitment on Wednesday nights, there is a possibility of running a separate competition on a Saturday. Please contact us.
Registrations will open on the 14th of Feb.
Registration cut off date is the 26th of March.
So start getting those teams organised!
If you want to play netball but do not have a team, we are here to help!
Email griffithnetball@gmail.com and we will find you a team.
Another innovative decision we have made is to
Support Netball NSW’s Inclusive Uniform Guidelines
We want to support all players in wearing a uniform that allows them to participate in netball in the manner in which they feel most comfortable. We want to embrace adaptability and flexibility around uniforms in order to encourage continued participation and enjoyment in our sport.
See all guidelines here: https://nsw.netball.com.au/sites/nsw/files/2021-10/Netball%20NSW%20-%20Inclusive%20Uniform%20Guidelines.pdf